Sunday, April 2, 2017
Download Aplikasi Android SMS Flow scheduler v1 0 8 apk
Download Aplikasi Android SMS Flow scheduler v1 0 8 apk

Download Aplikasi Android Terbaru - Before buying this version, please consider trying the free version! (otherwise no manual refund will be proceed)
??? FEATURES ???
? NO ad
? Schedule SMS (at given date/time or after a specified delay)
? Insert automated texts (given/family name, nickname, send date/time, send location, ...)
? Create personalized templates
? Create personalized header / footer (= signature)
? Repeat SMS (every years, months, weeks [selected weekdays], days, hours, minutes, seconds)
? Stop repetition (never, after n times, at given date/time)
? Split SMS (every paragraphs, sentences, lines, words, characters)
? Enable/disable scheduled SMS
? Edit/duplicate scheduled SMS
? Resend sent SMS
? Access contact informations by touching their photos
? Contact search and filtering
? Select recipients by groups, phone type or from a text file
? Search into scheduled/sent messages
? Skip next execution of a message in one step
? Option to display confirmation before sending a message
? Option to prevent sending while roaming
? Option to display sent/delivered notifications
? Unlimited character count
? Unlimited recipient count
? Backup/restore your scheduled and sent SMS into a XML file
- Since Android 4.x, the number of messages sent from an app are limited. To fix it, root your device and search for apps in Google Play that removes this limitation. Caution: rooting a device make it vulnerable!
- Since Android 4.4.2 (Kitkat), ALL sent SMS are saved automatically in your discussion threads. Moreover, the default SMS app will split every long SMS into small ones but they will be really sent as only one (bug from the stock SMS app).
- On Android 2.x and lower, when using a custom language, it is not applied to the home screen. To fix it, rotate your device.
Go to link download